Improving Connectivity

Eastern and North Central Provincial Road Project (ENCPRP) funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The improvement of transport connectivity in conflict-affected areas of North Central and Eastern provinces should break the isolation and provide opportunity for the affected community to expand their business or to start their new businesses. A consortium of MGC, Engineering Consultants (Pvt) Ltd (ECL) and Cardno Acil Pty Ltd of Australia a chosen implementer for the project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The main objective of the Eastern and North Central Provincial Road Project (ENCPRP) was to improve connectivity in the transport network of two relatively poor and conflict affected areas of provinces. The additional objectives were to conduct on-the-job training for the Employer’s staff and to formulate a performance management system of the project. The improved roads contribute to the poverty reduction and improve connectivity to previously neglected areas that support a socially inclusive development. With the completion of the project, the institutional capacities of the Provincial Road Development Authorities of the East and the North was strengthened, particularly in planning, programming, contract administration and their institutional capacity in road asset management
The project was implemented by the Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government (MPCLG). The project commenced in January 2010 and completed in August 2014. The consultancy consortium deployed national and international professionals and was responsible in the administration of contracts and the supervision of construction of 151 km of secondary roads (Class C& D), associated bridges and major drainage work in Trincomalee and Batticaloa districts